Thursday, November 28, 2024

60IN60 Day 25 - Thurs Nov 28

It's Day 25 and we're in 1 Corinthians 7.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 19 - What matters?  Keeping God's commands.

- Verse 1 - What he means by this is (as he explains) that if you are not overcome by sexual temptation by being single there are many spiritual advantages to being single in the sense of being able to devote yourself more fully to working for God and not being distracted by family life.
- Verse 7 - Paul has the ability that I just commented on (see verse 1).
- Verses 10-11 - This is a hard teaching, but one that needs to be studied in the context of the other New Testament passages on divorce.  That's too much to handle here, but if anyone wants more information, I can refer you to additional resources.
- Verse 14 - This is little obscure, but I think the point he's making is: being around someone who is a Christian can have a sanctifying influence, so if you're willing to stay married to the non-Christian, do so because (among other reasons) it'll be a good influence for them spiritually.
- Verse 37 - Obviously, in their culture the father had greater authority over his household than is true in our culture.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

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