Monday, September 30, 2019

60IN60 Day 29 - Mon Sept 30

It’s Day 29 and we’re in John 11.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verses 21, 32 - I like the fact that they could be honest about their questions and disappointments with Jesus and He doesn't condemn them for it. 

If you want to read the chapter online, here’s a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Your Questions and Comments:
- "John 10:21. I thought other parts of the bible talks about healings/miracles that were not performed using the power of Jesus.  And that it was common knowledge at the time.  Why would healing the blind be a defense for Jesus?" - Good question.  First, you are right that it is possible that a healing or a miracle could come from a demonic rather than a divine source.  Perhaps the most prominent example of that in the Bible is when Moses does miracles before Pharaoh and the Egyptian magicians match some of the signs.  Second, your final question gets to exactly the debate that was going on about Jesus.  The debate would go something like this.  Follower of Jesus: "Jesus does miracles!"  Pharisees: "He's doing them by demonic power."  Follower of Jesus: "Why would He heal people if He was possessed by Satan?" Pharisees: "He's doing the miracles to fool you into thinking He's from God so you'll believe His teaching that disagrees with us."  Note that v. 21  says that "others" were saying, "Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?"  So it was people in general who were saying that.  Some of them were probably just looking at the miracle and saying, "That must be from God" without putting deep theological thought into it.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

60IN60 Day 28 - Sun Sept 29

It’s Day 28 and we’re in John 10.

Remember that your daily reading in the Bible isn't about gaining information - it's about changing your life to be more like Christ. That means that you need to take action on what God speaks to you about. 

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 10 - He's not just offering adequate life; He's offering us abundant life.

- Verses 34-36 - This is a difficult saying. Unfortunately, it's really not an explanation that can be succinctly stated and I really don't have sufficient space here to explain it. Some answers take a whole sermon!

If you want to read the chapter online, here’s a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Saturday, September 28, 2019

60IN60 Day 27 - Sat Sept 28

It’s Day 27 and we’re in John 9.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verses 6-7 - I like how Jesus' healings are not cookie-cutter. They happen different ways in different situations, just as He works differently in each of our lives.

- Verse 3 - Even in the midst of tragedy and heartbreak, God is working to bring something redemptive out of it.

If you want to read the chapter online, here’s a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Friday, September 27, 2019

60IN60 Day 26 - Fri Sept 27

It's Day 26 and we're in John 8.

We have lots of excuses for why we don't read the Bible: "I'm too busy," "I don't know where to start," "I tried it once and got confused," "I just never got around to it." I hope "60IN60" helps you to be able to overcome those excuses and experience a rewarding time in the Word. 

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 31 - This is what God expects of us. Obeying His teaching is not optional for a believer. 

- Verse 6 - What did He write? We don't know. One of the more interesting suggestions is that He was writing the sins of the men holding the rocks.
- Verses 58-59 - By using the phrase "I am," Jesus was equating Himself with God. 

If you want to read the chapter online, here’s a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Thursday, September 26, 2019

60IN60 Day 25 - Thurs Sept 26

It's Day 25 and we're in 1 Timothy 6.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verses 6-8 - How badly do we need to heed these words in the culture in which we live? We have everything and we're still not content.

- Verses 1-2 - In other places, Paul advises slaves to get their freedom if they can, but he also puts a great emphasis on living out their faith even within their bonds.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

60IN60 Day 24 - Wed Sept 25

It's Day 24 and we're in 1 Timothy 5.

One reason to be in the Bible regularly? It provides the answers to life's most pressing questions: "Why am I here?" "What value does my life have?" "What does God want out of me?" "What does a life well spent look like?" For all the time we spend daily on trivial things, it's essential that we spend some time on the big questions.
Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 22 - We bear part of the responsibility when we put the wrong people in leadership positions. That's one reason we need to be careful and prayerful about those choices.

- Verse 9 - There was a list of widows who received financial help from the church and Paul is here talking about the requirements for being on that list.
- Verse 12 - "previous pledge" - Apparently getting on this list involved taking a pledge, perhaps to devote yourself to more prayer or something like that.
- Verse 23 - Timothy had some medical problems and Paul advises him to use a little wine to help with that.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

60IN60 Day 23 - Tues Sept 24

It's Day 23 and we're in 1 Timothy 4.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 7 - "discipline yourself" - Spiritual growth doesn't happen by accident.

- Verse 10 - Jesus is the Savior of all people because He died to make it possible for everyone to be forgiven, but there is obviously a sense in which He is especially the Savior for those of us who have accepted His sacrifice.
- Verse 12 - "youthfulness" - Timothy was relatively young.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Your Questions or Comments:
- Two questions on the same verse yesterday: "Given the context, who are the women he's talking about in verse 11?" and "The women being referred to, are they deacons?"  - The word is translated "Women" in the NASB and "their wives" in the NIV.  In the original Greek the word is simply "women."  The NIV translates it "their wives" based on the context.  There are Christians who do not believe in women deacons.  They would argue this reference is to the wives of deacons.  They would argue that references elsewhere in the New Testament to "deaconesses" is not female members of a group of deacons, but a difference ministry group doing a different task than deacons.  There are Christians who do believe in women deacons.  They would argue that the reference in 1 Timothy 3 shares some additional qualities Paul is looking for in female deacons.  They would argue that references elsewhere in the New Testament to "deaconesses" are female members of a deacon board.  This falls under one of the "disputable matters" that Paul discusses in Romans 14 where Christians have different views on secondary issues.

Monday, September 23, 2019

60IN60 Day 22 - Mon Sept 23

It's Day 22 and we're in 1 Timothy 3.

One problem that regularly bothers me as I read is a wandering mind. A word in the text will make me think of something that I have to do that day and my mind is off to the races, leaving the Bible behind. I've found it helpful to have something near me that I can make a note on when that happens so I can write down that thing I need to do later and get back to concentrating on the reading in front of me.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verses 2-13 - As it lays out the requirements for being a pastor (overseer) and deacon, we need to remember that we need to be careful in choosing people for those roles.  I've seen too many situations where they were chosen with no thought to the Biblical requirements.

- Verse 1 - "Overseer" means pastor.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Sunday, September 22, 2019

60IN60 Day 21 - Sun Sept 22

It's Day 21 and we're in 1 Timothy 2.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verses 9-10 - A reminder that as we come into church it's not our fancy clothes that God's interested in.

- Verses 11-12 - A variety of interpretations have been offered down through the years, including: a. This was only for the time of Paul and is not applicable to today; b. This means that women shouldn't be pastors; c. This only has to do with the particular church Timothy was ministering in at that time, where perhaps the women were not particularly spiritually mature.
- Verse 15 - This is an obscure verse that's meaning is not clear.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Saturday, September 21, 2019

60IN60 Day 20 - Sat Sept 21

It's Day 20 and we're in 1 Timothy 1.

What's the Bible say about the book you're reading today? "All Scripture is. . . profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16). Reading the Bible will make your day more "profitable."

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 6 - "fruitless discussion" - Still a popular thing today.  Debating religion for the sake of proving yourself right is largely a waste of time.

- Verse 18 - "the prophecies previously made concerning you" - Prophecies had been made when Timothy was younger about how God would use him.
- Verse 20 - "handed over to Satan" - These men had pursued what was evil, so Paul essentially released them from God's protection and asks God to allow Satan to have his way with them.  The goal is for them to repent and return to the truth.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Friday, September 20, 2019

60IN60 Day 19 - Fri Sept 20

It's Day 19 and we're in Exodus 7.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verses 11, 22 - This is a reminder to me that the forces of evil can duplicate some of the amazing things that God can do.  I shouldn't be too impressed by the miracle in and of itself.

- Verse 1 - "I will make you as God to Pharaoh" - That simply means that Moses would be God's chosen representative before Pharaoh, not that God was going to make Moses into a "mini-God."

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Thursday, September 19, 2019

60IN60 Day 18 - Thurs Sept 19

It's Day 18 and we're in Exodus 6.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 9 - Sometimes people struggle to believe that's what God is offering could be real because their current situation is so bad.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

60IN60 Day 17 - Wed Sep 18

It's Day 17 and we're in Exodus 5.

If it's hard to understand what you're reading in the Bible, make sure you have a translation that's a good fit for you. Reading the King James (a great historic translation) can be particularly difficult because of the antiquated language. Among the good options available today: New International Version (good all-around translation), English Standard Version (good all-around translation), New American Standard (a more literal translation, closer to the original manuscripts), and New Living Translation (a translation that focuses on readability and understandability). 

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 7 - Sometimes the first step toward God's deliverance looks like a step backward.  Things don't always immediately get better.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

60IN60 Day 16 - Tues Sept 17

It's Day 16 and we're in Exodus 4.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 1 - How many excuses can we come up with as to why we shouldn't do what God is calling us to do?

- Verse 21 - Does this mean that God was overriding Pharaoh's free will?  I think it was a combination of two things: Pharaoh was inclined to be hard-hearted toward Israel and God orchestrated the situation to accentuate that.
- Verses 24-26 - This is an obscure and weird passage that has stumped scholars for centuries.  I can't really say that I have a good answer to what's going on here.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Monday, September 16, 2019

60IN60 Day 15 - Mon Sept 16

It's Day 15 and we're in Exodus 3.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 11 - I think we all have moments of doubting that God could do something significant through us.  Ultimately, though, it's about how big He is, not how great we are.
If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment, email me at

Sunday, September 15, 2019

60IN60 Day 14 - Sun Sept 15

It's Day 14 and we're in Exodus 2.

 Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 5 - Even in the midst of something intended for evil, God is able to work so that His chosen servant is raised both with a Hebrew heritage and with a knowledge of the inner workings of Pharaoh's household.
- Verse 12 - Moses' thoughts were in the right direction (protecting the Hebrews), but he went about it the wrong way (in his own power).
- Verse 25 - Not saying that God had been distracted, but rather that their cries and prayers finally were sufficient to merit His move.
If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment, email me at

Saturday, September 14, 2019

60IN60 Day 13 - Sat Sept 14

It's Day 13 and we're in Exodus 1.
We'll come back to John.  We're going to visit different parts of the Bible during our 60 days: gospels, New Testament epistles, Old Testament stories, Psalms, Proverbs.  Each brings something different to the table.
Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 8 - "who did not know Joseph" - You can't rest on the way things used to be.  It's a new day and you have to face what's in front of you.
- Verse 1 - The context of this, for those who don't know, is that Israel has long been in Egypt and now God is going to bring them up to the Promised Land.
- Verse 15 - Because there were so many Israelites, either (a) these were the two midwives in charge of all the others or (b) the Israelites didn't normally call on the midwives at birth.
If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment, email me at

Friday, September 13, 2019

60IN60 Day 12 - Fri Sept 13

It's Day 12 and we're in John 7.
Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 17 - Obedience has to come first, then assurance and confidence follows.
- Verse 38 - I love that image - God overflowing from within us.
- Verses 8, 10 - Jesus means, "I'm not going to go up at the start of the festival and be the big presence you want me to be."  Instead, He went up secretly, waited until later in the festival, and then did a little teaching.
If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment, email me at

Thursday, September 12, 2019

60IN60 Day 11 - Thurs Sept 12

It's Day 11 and we're in John 6.
Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 15 - Jesus didn't trust people's instincts to lead to the right thing.  Why do I sometimes?
- Verse 29 - This isn't saying that we just have to say we "believe" in Jesus and then we can go live our lives any way we want.  To truly believe in Jesus, I must then act on what He said to do (i.e. follow His teachings) because I believe that what He said is true is really true.  That's required to actually believe in Jesus.
- Verses 51-56, 60, 63 - This is the original "hard saying" from Jesus.  These are tough words.  The best way I think to understand it is that Jesus sacrificed His body and blood in my place, so therefore I have to receive that into my life in order to experience new spiritual life.  Obviously, we tie these words into what we celebrate at communion.
If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment, email me at

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

60IN60 Day 10 - Wed Sept 11

It's Day 10 and we're in John 5.
Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 13 - Most healers would gather a big crowd and publicize what they did.  Jesus quietly does it, then slips away without telling the man His name.  I like it.
- Verse 18 - We use the term "Father" so often in prayer that we take it for granted, but that was not something the Jews back then did.  They considered Jesus using that term to be provocative.
- Verse 29 - This is not saying that we're not saved by grace, but rather that our actions are going to reveal the true state of our heart - whether we've been changed or not.
If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment, email me at

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

60IN60 Day 9 - Tues Sept 10

It's Day 9 and we're in John 4.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 14 - "a well of water springing up to eternal life" - Nice image - I like the idea of God being within us and flowing out of us.
- Verse 34 - Is that what satisfies me?
- Verses 48, 50 - Jesus speaks those challenging words in verse 48, but then the man shows that he is willing to take Jesus by faith (and not by signs) by walking away without having seen the miracle.
If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment, email me at

Monday, September 9, 2019

60IN60 Day 8 - Mon Sept 9

It's Day 8 and we're in John 3.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 3 - "born again" - He's not offering a minor adjustment to our spiritual lives.  He's offering rebirth.
- Verse 20 - So true about why we shy away from God.  We have things we don't want to come to light.
- Verse 8 - The point here is that you can't see the wind but it still has an impact.  You can't see the Spirit, but he's still real and having an impact.
- Verse 14 - Moses raising up his staff (and people being saved by that from physical problems) is a picture of Christ being raised up on the cross (and us looking to that to be saved from our spiritual problems).
- Verse 25 - This question seemed to center around whether baptism was necessary for purification.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Sunday, September 8, 2019

60IN60 Day 7 - Sun Sept 8

It's Day 7 and we're in John 2.

If you've got questions about your reading, I love answering those. Feel free to email me. Unless it's something personal, I'll usually anonymously share the question (and answer) in the following day's email so everyone can benefit from it.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 9 - I love the fact that with all the big important guests there the only ones who see the miracle are the servants.  God's not impressed with our power and position.

- Verse 10 - Despite what some Baptists will tell you, there is no way to have this story make sense without the wine that was made by Jesus being alcoholic wine.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a 

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Saturday, September 7, 2019

60IN60 Day 6 - Sat Sept 7

It's Day 6 and we're in John 1.

You are not reading the Bible to gain trivia knowledge. You're reading the Bible for life change. Father, change our hearts to look more like Your's.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 39 - "Come and you will see" - That's a pretty good summary of what Jesus calls us to.  Come and walk with me and I'll show you what you need to know as we walk along.

- Verse 1 - "the Word" - The Word is Jesus.  That's just another name/title for Him.
- Verse 15 - What's John's statement mean?  To paraphrase it: Jesus came after me, in that my ministry started before His, but He was before me, in that He is preexistent because He's God.
- Verse 16 - "grace in place of grace" - This seems to refer to the fact that even before the fuller grace that we've received through Jesus, we received grace in God withholding His judgment because we were stick under the Law.  See verse 17.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a 

If you have a question or comment about the chapter, email me at 

Friday, September 6, 2019

60IN60 Day 5 - Fri Sept 6

It's Day 5 and we're in Psalm 32.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 5 - So many deal with their sin by trying to hide it.  God repeatedly recommends confession as the path to dealing with your sin.  It's just harder in a way, I guess, so people avoid it.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment about the chapter, email me at

Thursday, September 5, 2019

60IN60 Day 4 - Thurs Sept 5

It's Day 4 and we're in Psalm 31.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 5 - The words here that are quoted by Jesus on the cross puts the rest of the chapter in a different context.  It emphasizes the sacrifice and struggle Jesus went through.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment about the chapter, email me at

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

60IN60 Day 3 - Wed Sept 4

It's Day 3 and we're in Psalm 30.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 5 - It's a beautiful idea that our weeping may last through the night but "joy comes in the morning."  As long as I walk with Christ, there is always hope.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment about the chapter, email me at

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

60IN60 Day 2 - Tues Sept 3

It's Day 2 and we're in Psalm 29.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verses 3-9 - All these references to the "voice of the Lord."  It's like when you're out playing as a kid and your Mom hollers for you - it's a voice that gets all your attention.  So too (and far more profoundly) does the voice of the Lord.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment on the chapter, email me at

Monday, September 2, 2019

60IN60 Day 1 - Mon Sept 2

It's Day 1 and we're in Psalm 28.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 7 - He is our shield of protection.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Sunday, September 1, 2019