Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verses 9-10 - Jesus had to do the same lesson over and over before the truth of it began to sink into the disciples' heads and hearts. How many times does it take me to learn a lesson?
- Verse 4 - The "sign of Jonah" was a sign of resurrection. Jonah was in the belly of the whale for the three days and then came back; Jesus will be in the "belly of the earth" for three days and then come back.
- Verse 24 - This means that we have to be willing to obey even when it doesn't fit what we want to do. It means that we have to be willing to sacrifice for our faith. It means we must actually live out Jesus' teaching.
- Verse 25 - Abandoning ourselves to Jesus' way will lead to deeper, fuller, richer life; holding onto what we want to do will lead to losing what matters most.
If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment, email me at butcher@ymail.com.
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