It’s Day 29 and we’re in John 11.
Monday, September 30, 2024
60IN60 Day 29 - Mon Sept 30
Sunday, September 29, 2024
60IN60 Day 28 - Sun Sept 29
It’s Day 28 and we’re in John 10.
Remember that your daily reading in the Bible isn't about gaining information - it's about changing your life to be more like Christ. That means that you need to take action on what God speaks to you about.Saturday, September 28, 2024
60IN60 Day 27 - Sat Sept 28
It’s Day 27 and we’re in John 9.
Friday, September 27, 2024
60IN60 Day 26 - Fri Sept 27
It's Day 26 and we're in John 8.
- Verses 58-59 - By using the phrase "I am," Jesus was equating Himself with God.
Thursday, September 26, 2024
60IN60 Day 25 - Thurs Sept 26
It's Day 25 and we're in 1 Timothy 6.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
60IN60 Day 24 - Wed Sept 25
It's Day 24 and we're in 1 Timothy 5.
a. When facing the challenging teaching of 1 Timothy 2:12, there have been a few different approaches. Some have said it literally means what it says and it should be obeyed in that way. Others argue that often in Paul's letters he is addressing specific situations within the churches of his time and that instruction was for that moment and not mandated for all churches of all times to literally obey. (An example of this is Romans 16:16, where Paul instructs the Romans to greet one another with a "holy kiss." You may have noticed most churches today aren't greeting each other with a kiss on the cheek.)
b. A second issue at play here is the role of women in the church. Some Christians interpret the New Testament teaching in a way that is called "egalitarianism." That is, men and women are completely equal and are free to fill any roles in the church (i.e., for instance, it's ok to have women preachers). Others believe in what is called "complementarianism," which is that men and women are of equal value spiritually but have been called to different and complementary roles. Those believing that would argue, for instance, that the role of pastor is limited to men. There has been a lot of debate about this issue over the last 50 years.
c. Third, what was the specific problem here? Many argue the issue was that the women in the particular church Timothy was dealing with were being contentious and his instruction is not that they are not to say a single word ever in church (I don't know a single church that argues that) but that they weren't to cause problems.
d. You are right that this is a verse that can easily be abused and misused. I think the biggest safeguard against that is that we should not focus on one single verse but we should read the New Testament as a whole and bring all the relevant verses together in a way that provides a complete picture. We can get in trouble when someone just focuses on one verse and then doubles-down on that without looking at the rest of Scripture. Scripture helps us interpret Scripture.
As I said, this is a brief summary to a question that could easily have a book-length answer. I'd be happy to provide additional resources for those interested in studying deeper.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
60IN60 Day 23 - Tues Sept 24
It's Day 23 and we're in 1 Timothy 4.
Monday, September 23, 2024
60IN60 Day 22 - Mon Sept 23
It's Day 22 and we're in 1 Timothy 3.
One problem that regularly bothers me as I read is a wandering mind. A word in the text will make me think of something that I have to do that day and my mind is off to the races, leaving the Bible behind. I've found it helpful to have something near me that I can make a note on when that happens so I can write down that thing I need to do later and get back to concentrating on the reading in front of me.Sunday, September 22, 2024
60IN60 Day 21 - Sun Sept 22
It's Day 21 and we're in 1 Timothy 2.
Saturday, September 21, 2024
60IN60 Day 20 - Sat Sept 21
It's Day 20 and we're in 1 Timothy 1.
What's the Bible say about the book you're reading today? "All Scripture is. . . profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16). Reading the Bible will make your day more "profitable."Friday, September 20, 2024
60IN60 Day 19 - Fri Sept 20
It's Day 19 and we're in Exodus 7.
Thursday, September 19, 2024
60IN60 Day 18 - Thurs Sept 19
It's Day 18 and we're in Exodus 6.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
60IN60 Day 17 - Wed Sept 18
It's Day 17 and we're in Exodus 5.
If it's hard to understand what you're reading in the Bible, make sure you have a translation that's a good fit for you. Reading the King James (a great historic translation) can be particularly difficult because of the antiquated language. Among the good options available today: New International Version (good all-around translation), English Standard Version (good all-around translation), New American Standard (a more literal translation, closer to the original manuscripts), and New Living Translation (a translation that focuses on readability and understandability).Tuesday, September 17, 2024
60IN60 Day 16 - Tues Sept 17
It's Day 16 and we're in Exodus 4.
Monday, September 16, 2024
60IN60 Day 15 - Mon Sept 16
It's Day 15 and we're in Exodus 3.
Where God Spoke To Me:Sunday, September 15, 2024
60IN60 Day 14 - Sun Sept 15
It's Day 14 and we're in Exodus 2.
Where God Spoke To Me:Saturday, September 14, 2024
60IN60 Day 13 - Sat Sept 14
It's Day 13 and we're in Exodus 1.
Friday, September 13, 2024
60IN60 Day 12 - Fri Sept 13
It's Day 12 and we're in John 7.
Thursday, September 12, 2024
60IN60 Day 11 - Thurs Sept 12
It's Day 11 and we're in John 6.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
60IN60 Day 10 - Wed Sept 11
It's Day 10 and we're in John 5.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
60IN60 Day 9 - Tues Sept 10
It's Day 9 and we're in John 4.
Monday, September 9, 2024
60IN60 Day 8 - Mon Sept 9
It's Day 8 and we're in John 3.
Sunday, September 8, 2024
60IN60 Day 7 - Sun Sept 8
It's Day 7 and we're in John 2.
If you've got questions about your reading, I love answering those. Feel free to email me. Unless it's something personal, I'll usually anonymously share the question (and answer) in the following day's email so everyone can benefit from it.Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 9 - I love the fact that with all the big important guests there the only ones who see the miracle are the servants. God's not impressed with our power and position.
- Verse 10 - Despite what some Baptists will tell you, there is no way to have this story make sense without the wine that was made by Jesus being alcoholic wine.
If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment, email me at
Saturday, September 7, 2024
60IN60 Day 6 - Sat Sept 7
It's Day 6 and we're in John 1.
You are not reading the Bible to gain trivia knowledge. You're reading the Bible for life change. Father, change our hearts to look more like Your's.Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 39 - "Come and you will see" - That's a pretty good summary of what Jesus calls us to. Come and walk with me and I'll show you what you need to know as we walk along.
- Verse 1 - "the Word" - The Word is Jesus. That's just another name/title for Him.
- Verse 15 - What's John's statement mean? To paraphrase it: Jesus came after me, in that my ministry started before His, but He was before me, in that He is preexistent because He's God.
- Verse 16 - "grace in place of grace" - This seems to refer to the fact that even before the fuller grace that we've received through Jesus, we received grace in God withholding His judgment because we were stick under the Law. See verse 17.
If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment about the chapter, email me at
Friday, September 6, 2024
60IN60 Day 5 - Fri Sept 6
It's Day 5 and we are in Psalm 135.
Where God Spoke to Me:
- Verse 6 - This is an interesting idea to me. (See further commentary below.) To be morally pure (like God is) means that you can do what you please and it is still good. What a wonderful way to live: that what you want to do is what is good.
- Verse 5 - This does not mean "There are other gods but God is the biggest among them." What it means is "People have manufactured their own gods but God is the real one." See verses 15-18.
- Verse 6 - That God does what pleases Him doesn't mean that He's off running after selfish things. No, God is morally pure so when He does what pleases Him He is still doing that which is right and best for us. This points us to something that God is accomplishing in us: as God makes me into someone who is Christlike, He is making me into someone where what I want and what God wants are increasingly the same thing.
If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment, email me at
Thursday, September 5, 2024
60IN60 Day 4 - Thurs Sept 5
It's Day 4 and we are in Psalm 130.
Where God Spoke to Me:
- Verse 5 - I've been there: my whole being waiting on God to come through for me. When there's something we want so badly and we have to wait on God to bring it about, we're in that moment. Unfortunately, His timetable isn't the same as ours; fortunately, He knows what's best.
- Verse 3-4 - Even in the Old Testament, there is the witness that we need God's forgiveness and that He is willing to forgive.
If you would like to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a comment or question, email me at
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
60IN60 Day 3 - Wed Sept 4
It's Day 3 and we are in Psalm 124.
Where God Spoke to Me:
- Verse 1 - "If the Lord had not been on our side . . ." - There are moments of my life I can look back on and wonder how differently things would have turned out if God hadn't been there to help me. It's a source of thankfulness and humility.
- Verses 2-4 - This is poetic language that Israel could not have stood in the face of the onslaught of their enemies. There are many Old Testament stories that emphasize that Israel wasn't strong enough on their own but only survived through the assistance of God on their behalf.
If you would like to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or a comment, email me at
Your Questions and Comments:
- "I thought as I read your comments this morning and you were talking about out sometimes as Christians we come to church out of obligation and it made me think about Sunday before last I got to church at the same time as the Ellis family and little Cody came running to the church and up the stairs and I thought to myself that’s the way we should all be as Christians running to the church with anticipation to see what good things God has in store for us inside."
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
60IN60 Day 2 - Tues Sept 3
It's Day 2 and we are in Psalm 122.
Where God Spoke to Me:
- Verse 1 - This isn't always true - that we are joyful to go to the house of the Lord. Sometimes it seems like people go more out of a sense of obligation. When you are able to actually look forward to worshiping with your brothers and sisters in Christ, when you are eager to see what God is going to do in the worship, that's a wonderful feeling.
- Verse 6 - This is a statement that is often repeated around the world: "pray for the peace of Jerusalem." It becomes especially popular when there is another round of violence that breaks out in that region. That is a good thing to pray, but the ultimate hope of that prayer, though, is not just for a temporary cessation to the hostilities in the Middle East. As Christians we believe that the only lasting peace that will come to that region will be when Christ returns someday. So that prayer is both a call to God for the current violence to stop and for Christ to return to set this world right.
- Verses 7-9 - It is verses like these that lead toward the idea that we as Christians should be pro-Israel.
If you would like to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment, email me at
Monday, September 2, 2024
60IN60 Day 1 - Mon Sept 2
It's Day 1 and we are in Psalm 121.
Where God Spoke to Me:
- Verses 1-2 - This is such a strong statement. God is on my side and I know He's there to help me.
- Verse 5 - This is lovely symbolic language of God placing His hands over us to protect us.
If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment, email me at