It's Day 34 and we're in Matthew 11.
problem that regularly bothers me as I read is a wandering mind. A word
in the text will make me think of something that I have to do that day
and my mind is off to the races, leaving the Bible behind. I've found it
helpful to have something near me that I can make a note on when that
happens so I can write down that thing I need to do later and get back
to concentrating on the reading in front of me.
Where God Spoke To Me:
Verse 21-24 - I have been given an enormous opportunity in knowing the
gospel. Because of how much God has revealed to me, He has great
expectations of me. We need to realize there is a responsibility that
comes with what's been revealed to us.
Verse 3 - Amazingly, John the Baptist is now doubting whether Jesus is
really the Christ. This is because Jesus is not acting in the way that
John expected: setting up a kingdom to drive the Romans out.
Verses 16-19 - The basic point is: "nothing satisfies you." John came
living a spare lifestyle and you wouldn't listen to Him. Jesus came
living a life of eating and drinking and you wouldn't listen to Him.
If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment, email me at
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