Tuesday, June 4, 2024

60IN60 Day 30 - Tues Jun 4

It's Day 30 and we're in Matthew 10.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 39 - I have to be willing to lose my desires and follow Christ, presuming He has a bigger and better plan.

- Verses 5-6 - During Jesus' earthly life, His specific mission was to Israel.  It's only after His rejection and crucifixion that in Acts the door is opened to Gentiles.
- Verse 34 - This means that Jesus is divisive and is going to cause some disagreements as some follow Him and some dismiss Him.
- Verse 37 - This is not to say that we should not love our families (after all, the second greatest commandment is about loving people), but it does mean that our love for God should be the primary love of our lives.
- Verse 38 - Taking up your cross means sacrificing for Jesus.
- Verse 39 - We have to follow Christ and His teaching and presume that this will lead to a greater life than our own direction.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link

If you have a question or comment, email me at butcher@ymail.com.

Your Questions and Comments:
- Genesis 33: "Question: are the two broader locations Israel and today's Palestine?" - The "broader Israel" and the land of Palestine are actually (in general) the same thing. It was the Palestinians that Israel conquered as they took the Promised Land. This is one reason why we continue to have (to this day) multiple groups claiming rightful ownership of the same land. So Palestine is one of the names for that land and Israel is one of the countries that have ruled that land.

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