Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 16 - I wonder how much of what gets attributed to God is actually from Him?
If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.
If you have a question or comment, email me at butcher@ymail.com.
Questions And Comments You Have:
- "The subject of divorce is always a touchy one. My feelings are this based on my own personal experience. Entering into marriage without seriously considering if you and your spouse are in agreement on Christ is a sin. Living a life, especially while raising small children, with a person that commits multiple sins openly without concern of themselves or their families spiritual well being is a sin. Divorce is a sin. The Bible even states marrying after divorce is a sin. There is no way around what the Bible teaches us. The Bible says divorce is a sin. How can we question that? With that being said I also believe this. There is no sin that God won't forgive when a person approaches Him with sincere remorse and desire of forgiveness. I was married to a non believer for many years. I didn't give up on my marriage without a fight. The sinful life my spouse was leading was a strong influence on my children and challenged my own personal walk with God. I am remarried now to a Christian man and we try to spend our lives putting Christ first, and teaching our children the same. Would God have preferred me to stay in an unevenly yoked marriage and raised my children with this lifestyle around them? I personally feel that God approves of my choice to live my life the way I do now with my new husband and we are blessed beyond measure. That does not mean that I am not in need of repentance for this as I am required for all sins that I allow to come into my life. After all, even a little white lie, anger, and envy are sins. If we commit these sins does that keep us from entering the Kingdom of Heaven after we repent for them?"
- "Do you find any irony in the last verse, where it says if the brothers wouldn't listen to Moses and the prophets, they weren't likely to listen to 'one who rises from the dead'?" - I think the point you're thinking of was exactly the point He was making (although obviously there was no way they would understand it until after everything happened).
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