Wednesday, March 11, 2020

60IN60 Day 10 - Wed Mar 11

It's Day 10 and we're in Zechariah 13.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Nothing really jumped out in today's chapter. That's ok - it's not going to happen every day.

- Verses 2-3 - This is harsh, but God is serious about getting Israel back to Him and the false prophets were a significant problem in leading the people away.
- Verses 4, 6 - The "garment of hair" is a reference to something some prophets would wear to look like the prophets of older times (like Elijah); the wounds on their body would be from the way they would sometimes cut themselves as part of getting their false god to answer their prayer. The point is that there would come a time when the evidence of them being a false prophet would be something shameful that they would try to hide rather than exalt in.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Your Comments and Questions:
- "Verse 6. Amplified notes that pigs & dogs in this verse represent those who despise sacred things."
- "Verse 22-23. How did these unbelievers cast out demons in Jesus' name?" - We don't know that they were casting out demons in the Lord's name.  They are claiming that they were casting out demons in the Lord's name.  I think the most likely explanation is that whatever power they were tapping into there was not a power from God.  That would benefit the kingdom of darkness by both keeping those people dwelling in their unbelief (because they thought it was real) and allow them to draw other people to their false Christianity (because they presumed the miracles were genuine).

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