Tuesday, September 24, 2024

60IN60 Day 23 - Tues Sept 24

It's Day 23 and we're in 1 Timothy 4.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 7 - "discipline yourself" - Spiritual growth doesn't happen by accident.

- Verse 10 - Jesus is the Savior of all people because He died to make it possible for everyone to be forgiven, but there is obviously a sense in which He is especially the Savior for those of us who have accepted His sacrifice.
- Verse 12 - "youthfulness" - Timothy was relatively young.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at butcher@ymail.com.

Your Comments and Questions:
1 Timothy 2:14 - "Do you think Adam was also deceived; not just Eve? Yes, Satan deceived Eve first but Adam didn’t have to eat that dang apple just because she did." - It's an interesting question. The Scripture is not explicit about all the details because what it says in Genesis 3 is fairly brief. My best interpretation is that Eve was the one who was deceived and ate but I'm not sure you can say that Adam was deceived. I think it might have been worse. I think Adam might have known that Eve had been deceived, knew he shouldn't do it too, but ate anyway. If true, there is a willfulness in his sin that wasn't necessarily present in Eve's.

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