Monday, January 20, 2014

60IN60 Day 15 - Mon Jan 20

It's Day 15 and we're in Genesis 3.

A little note about the times when the daily email doesn't come.  As I've said before, there are times when everything is in the system right but the email doesn't get sent out.  I'm not sure why that happens.  When that happens, though, the daily update is almost always posted on the website ( even though it hasn't been emailed.  You can just look up the site directly or if you have the previous day's email update, you can click on the headline and it'll take you to the site.

Where God Spoke To Me:
- Verse 16 - I think it's important to note that these things are part of the curse, not the way things originally were.

- Verse 1 - The presumption is that Satan was speaking through the serpent.  Passages like Revelation 12:9 and Revelation 20:2 lead toward that.
- Verse 9 - It's not that God didn't know where they were - He's simply calling them out.
- Verse 11 - They were in a state of innocence before the Fall.

If you want to read the chapter online, here's a link.

If you have a question or comment, email me at

Your Comments:
- Genesis 2:
God gives a lot of his intent for man and his relationships in this chapter. Things I note are:
1.       Verses 2-3: The day of rest (Sabbath) is essential for rest and reflection.
2.       Verse 7: God uniquely created man in that God “breathed” into man.
3.       Verses 19-20: God intended man to have dominion over the rest of creation. This requires responsibility.
4.       Verses 18, 21-25: God intended man and woman to be together helping each other as one.
God’s intentions seem to be points of contention in today’s world. Many folks are ignoring God’s plan and intent. People ignore the Sabbath and don’t take time to commune with God. People are either irresponsible with the environment or go to the opposite extreme and suggest man should be enslaved by the environment. The sacred bond of marriage and God’s intent that a man and woman unite are ignored as men marry men and women marry women.
My observation in comparing Genesis 2 and what is going on in the world today is that man has a tendency to rebel and do the opposite of what God intends.

- "In Genesis 1, the majority of the creations are worded "Let there be," or "Let the..." Yet, when it comes to making man, God said, "Let us make." Do you think "us" is the Trinity? I just found that difference very interesting." - Yes, I think the "us" is a Trinity reference.

- "I felt refresh this morning to read, "In the beginning God created..."   God our creator is in control.  Hallelujah!!"

- "The phrasing for identifying each day (so the evening and the morning were the seems significant to me.  It is interesting to note that God identifies each day as beginning in the evening and concluding with day; the direct opposite of what we tend to do.  I wonder if this is due to the evening being more of a relaxed time (at least it used to be) a winding down, that should be used for time spent with God (see Gen. 3:8).  If we counted our time as beginning in the evening and spending time with God, I wonder what the probability would be of our minds and spirit continuing that communion while we sleep?  Would we be much more ready to face the circumstances of the day?

We could start viewing our days as beginning in the evenings, but it would require a tremendous amount of discipline, both mentally and physically.  There is the additional challenge of the structure of our society....something to ponder."

- Genesis 1:
"What verse/words jump out to me?
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
The statement from God “Let us make man in our own image” is very interesting to me. I have always assumed God is referencing the trinity here (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit). I usually think about the Trinity in terms of the different roles each one plays.
I think of God the father as being God the Creator and Ruler of all. I pray to God the Father. I believe God is Yahweh, God of the Israelites.
I think of God the Son as Jesus, God incarnate in the New Testament, yet now ascended to Heaven sitting on the right hand side of the Father making intercession for us.
I think of the Holy Spirit as being the promised Comforter, presently living within, guiding us.
I have trouble grasping the concept of the Trinity, three separate entities, walking together, and then God saying “Let us make man in our own image”.
My Question is:
Am I interpreting this correctly? Was God referring to the Trinity? Did the three perform the creation together? Did the three make man together?
How do you describe this event?" - I think there is a sense in which you can say that all three members of the Trinity were involved in creation, although in a stricter sense it was the Son who created the world.

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